How We Help

A Safe Place helps by providing resources on how to safely escape as well as providing educational information on how to recover. There are tons of shelters and advocates for battered women that a lot of people are unaware of. Some women stay in these situations because of the lack of knowledge and resources. We will also provide care packages to women starting over with their life.

Monthly Support Group

These groups provide an encouraging space for healing and personal growth so no one has to face their trauma alone.

Resources & Support

We help women transition via care packages, toiletries, gas cards, groceries, housing, and more

Community Awareness

Through strategic efforts, we strive to inform and educate our community on how they can help support victims and survivors.

Monthly Support Group

We provide monthly support group meetings for women to have a safe place to talk about their emotions. Women come together to fellowship, empower, encourage, and uplift each other. We have guest speakers as well as open forums to discuss and educate current victims and survivors. Networking to help others discover resources for employment and business ideas. Education on domestic violence awareness.

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Resources & Support

We partner with other agencies to help women transition safely to start their new lives. Every woman's situation is different and we provide resources and support to help them recover from trauma and regain self-sufficiency.

Care Packages

Temporary Housing

Assistance with Job Placement

& More

Community Awareness

Although Domestic Violence Awareness Month is in October, we strive to provide awareness year-round. Millions of Americans live in daily, silent fear within their own homes. In addition, every year, millions of children are exposed to domestic violence. Domestic violence incidents affect every person within a home and can have long-lasting negative effects on children's emotional well-being and social and academic functioning.

Help us stop Domestic Violence so your family, friend, or loved one will not become victims. 

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